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Default Aug 13, 2016 at 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by unaluna View Post

But then you can also ask, why are boys valued more than girls? Or blonds more than brunettes? Or dimples more than no dimples? (My cousin had *@#$%&@ dimples!!! Everybody was ALWAYS commenting on them.)
If a child had dimples and the other didn't and the non-dimpled child was called ugly by the family, that would be the equivalent to what happened to me and my cousin.

Originally Posted by unaluna View Post
So yes, it is societys norm for children to have two parents. I mean, it TAKES two people to make a baby. So society expects both parents to be responsible for that baby. Otherwise society has to help raise the child. More or less.
I see what you mean, but I think society should be a part of a child's life no matter what because they have to grow up and live in it...if you mean with money I've known 2 parent families where both parents are unemployed and equally as poor as the single mother.

And I also wanted to add that it's more than saying to the father, "You really need to take care of this baby," It's more of "You shouldn't have had the baby in the first place"

... In MY observations...
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