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Confused Sep 07, 2016 at 11:08 AM
So for the past few year or so I've been feeling that something just hasn't been quiet right in my life and recently I've become more self aware of my thoughts and emotions which has helped me realize some things in my life.

I took the sanity test and scored 96. 2 Major (Physical & Technology Issues) & 13 milder concerns. I'm a bit confused on why Physical issues is a major, i might have answered a question incorrectly.
I can't post images so i'll list the 13 mild issues: General Coping 43
Life Events 31
Depression 31
Anxiety 45
Phobias 42
Self-Esteem 42
Eating Disorders 40
Schizophrenia 20
Dissociation 42
Mania 35
Sexual Issues 6
Relationship Issues 0
Alcohol 25 (i think this is because a few questions said alcohol or drugs, probably swap this score with Drugs)
Drugs 0
Physical Issues 67
Smoking Issues 0
Gambling Issues 0
Technology Issues 81
Obsessions/Compulsions 38
Posttraumatic Stress 25
Borderline Traits 38

I'll try to keep this short but have a feeling it'll be a long post...

Parents split when i was 5, dad is an alcoholic (never abusive) but would spend weekends with him growing up (mainly watching TV by myself) - my mom worked multiple part time jobs always tired.

I've never really had any close friends, even one friend that i would have previously considered a best friend in grade school to high school, i was never really open with and felt 100% comfortable around. I've always felt more comfortable around animals and still do - when i'm at someones house (rare) i usually connect more with their pet(s) than i do with them.

I've never had a 'real' relationship for longer than a month or two. The exception is that i was "involved" (basically a sugar daddy) with 2 prostitutes, one lasting for almost 2 years (she had a heroin problem), about a year of living together. Didn't end too well.

I rarely drink alcohol however i regularly smoke weed. I had one summer that i had smoked cracked a few times (maybe 8-10 times), haven't in at least 3 years now. I have also tried a Mescaline (psychedelic), which was an interesting experience.

Since I've tried Mescaline, i feel like weed has affected me differently, allowing me to make better connections between thoughts and have a major realization. Such as realizing that my childhood was a bit dysfunctional (no emotional support from either parent), anxiety since i was little...
Normally i smoke weed to relax, the way i explain it is that normally my brain is constantly racing with thoughts (good and bad) and when i smoke it slows it down and causes me to focus more on the now. (although i tend to binge eat when i smoke)

I've been seeing a therapist now for a few weeks and she's labeled me as having generalized anxiety disorder, but for some reason i want (or feel) like it's something more than that. For a week i thought i had Aspergers (mild autism) because i fit a lot of the traits, expect that i understand social situations - so i don't have it.

I constantly search for different mental problems and try to label myself with them and I'm not sure if this is healthy or not. In a sense i feel i do this to avoid dealing with the actual problems and just using a label as an excuse to have the problem.

Recently, i've stumbled across HSP (highly sensitive person) and feel that i now fit this with the exception that i'm not very empathetic towards people - to be honest 9/10 times i could care less when someone suffers.

I don't think i have depression even though i may fit the bill (i basically watch netflix 24/7) - I know i have anxiety but i feel like my not wanting to go to social events is more than anxiety - they just make me uncomfortable. There's just too much going on, i have a hard time understanding words when there's a lot of noise (i can hear the person, it's like my brain can't strip and process their words), i constantly look at everything never focusing on one thing too long. Which makes having conversations awkward because i feel like i have to force myself to stare at someone and force an expression. I also am not good at small talk and have a hard time being the center of attention in a conversation - normally i just make sarcastic jokes.

I've self-tested as INTP.
I do have low self esteem/confidence, which is why i've never been in a relationship longer than a few months. I think i also get bored in relationships that have nothing to "fix"...

I guess in a sense, i feel like i'd rather not change myself but change what i do in society to fit me better. (i.e. get a different job, change living situation, avoid unnecessary social events...) which is probably not really feasible or healthy.

I normally focus on a result or end goal not the journey and have a problem with spending too much time trying to make things perfect. I stress over decisions that I really shouldn't, for instance over the weekend I spent what seemed like 10 or 15 minutes comparing bottles of ranch at the grocery for price/ingredients/macros because i wanted low-sodium but couldn't find anything...

On average i would say that i'm never happy nor sad in life - I've just been content for the most part but feel something is missing. I think about quiting my job at least once a week (although i try to restrain from doing so as I just put an offer on a house) and have problems focusing as i don't find my job/field exciting anymore. (IT Network Admin) (i came into work 20 minutes, late and have done maybe 30 minutes of work since i got here a little over 2 hours ago)

I'm not even sure what i'm looking for by posting this. Advice, suggestions, similar experiences, questions...
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