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Default Sep 07, 2016 at 11:39 PM

Hi wwarsin!
Glad to see that you found us here at PC
This is a wonderful site and support Community with much to offer..the one thing that we can not offer is a diagnosis as to what may be going on, only a trained professional in a clinical setting working with you and the information you provide them is able to help you figure out where all your pieces may fit. As far as the sanity score quiz is not a diagnostic tool, but merely a self inquiry for personal insight. It is like all personality/ behavioural self tests, very broad and your results can vary greatly depending on how a person reads, understands, and perceives the questions...For instance, if you look at the questions and the way you answer them....what words stood out to you to incline you to answer in the way you did? You tested that you have 0 relationship issues. Which, IMHO, means that you much like myself at times, looked at a question such as I tend to end up in short intense relationships...and you probably answered towards the no end of the specturm..bc, you "don't tend to end up in any relationships" how you thought and answered the question in your head. When in reality, you seem aware that your lack of relationships is something that bothers you, and the one relationship you were in was therefore, you actually do feel you may have relationship issues...correct? I don't like those style of questionaires for that reason.. that both the answer spectrum and the question wording (often, somethings, occasionally etc) leaves far to much room for interpretation. And there for can be highly inaccurate if you find yourself being a detailed oriented person. As far as your present Dx of GAD and whether there may be more going on...Idk, bc I am not a professional and I have not met you irl. I can say from my own personal experiences, that if you only recently started working w/ a T...Then give it time. Initial dxs are often based on the most obvious or seemingly the most presently distressing symptoms that you have presented. It is just a jumping off point. The longer you work with this T and the more info you provide and the better s/he gets to know you...then they may be able to help you work on "then he something more" you feel is going on with you. As far as trying to Dx yourself can drive yourself nuts trying to make heads or tails of mental disorders and what may be applicable to you. This is,common amongst all who look into mental health information.. even therapists and psychiatrists have their own team they see for their issues bx of this exact problem... all disorders have some traits that everyone feels or can view themselves in... it is only when enough criteria over a certain time frame or longer is met fully and is greatly effecting an individual's daily functioning, reported to and or observed by a professional that a Dx can be made. So best to leave these things up to your drs. That doesn't mean you should stop learning and questioning, that is healthy...just means that you should be careful about how much you allow what you read to effect you. If you feel that you may fit into a certain Dx that you have read with your therapist about it. Tell them why you feel this may apply to you and ask them to help you reality/fact check to see whether the Dx may apply or if you just may be applying yourself to the dx. Idk..if any of that is helpful?? I hope so. good luck in therapy! And hope you find much comfort, acceptance, and understanding at PC forums!


"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep"
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