Thread: How to journal
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Default Sep 12, 2016 at 04:21 AM
when i started journaling 6 years ago, i'd write in it every day (sometimes more than once)

then it got to the stage where i was writing the same stuff over and over- today i'm feeling really bad, next day.. today i'm feeling worse, and i quite writing in it for... what, maybe a year?

what motivated me to restart was, well, i missed the support... maybe that's a stupid thing to say because journals can't actually talk or offer advice, but like some people have close friends or family they can talk to about these things, i don't. so i needed to restart my journal (i talk to my journal like it's a therapist or someone like that). it seems pretty strange reading it here, but when someone reads my journal it makes more sense

i'm down to writing in it about 3 or 4 times a week now

i usually comment on the weather,

my current mood,

the current time,

any triggers i'm aware of that have hit me since my last entry

then just write about my day and my feelings.

sometimes write what music i'm listening to as well
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Thanks for this!
estrella, OctobersBlackRose