Thread: Fall is here
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Default Oct 21, 2007 at 10:31 PM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
Gracey said:
Does anyone else have issues with the fall? I mean, I know this is supposed to be a great time of year and all, and I DO love the changing of the leaves, but it just kind of . . .bleh. . .you know?

I guess maybe it's just been this year for me. The drama with the septic tank started it all, and THAT drug on and on forever. Finally though! We are flushing with power now!!! Whoo hoo. So, that's done, but then it all just kind of flows into one another. September is probably the worst month for me out of the year anyway; first miscarriage, people I love who've died this month, etc. Every day it's something different. I hate September. October is a bit better I guess. . .but still lots of junk there too.

What I really look forward to is Winter. I LOVE winter time. . .the cold, the snow, Christmas, all that stuff. I know SAD (seasonal affective disorder) is just supposed to be like in the winter time, but I wonder if it's possible to have SAD throughout the fall as well?

</div></font></blockquote><font class="post"> Heard an interesting stat. the other day that we lose three minutes of daylight each day after the equinox in Sept. No wonder so many ppl are affected by this. Pdoc even says this is month in which many take downturn. Feeling the Fallish post Sept. blues but medication change has made Oct. less blue and not as ick.

and forget about what is supposed to be.......just allow what is to be. if you dislike the fall there it is! it isn't exactly the time of year that makes us jump for joy so fergitabout supposed to and get on with taking care of preSAD stuff. stay afloat by heading it off at the pass.

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