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LizardL8y's Avatar
Member Since Oct 2007
Location: Southern California, USA
Posts: 122
Default Oct 26, 2007 at 04:27 PM
Hey, I get the "few years late" thing. I am transfering as a Junior to a university next semester at age 27. Right now I am taking my last lower division class requirement at community college and I have to say, I am 6 years older than the oldest person (other than myself) in the class. Truth is, even though at first it felt weird that I didnt' fit in and that they didn't really want to chat with me outside of class discussions... I realized that it isn't because I have a few creases, a bigger tummy, and non-so-sexy clothes. It is more that we just are at different stages in our lives, even though our goals are the same (get through school) and we just don't match up. Sometimes I think they may be a little intimidated by my life experience, where I'm intimidated by their beauty. Remember, if you don't fit in with them, its because they also don't fit in with you. I don't know if you are at community college or university, but at university you will find all kinds of different people with different experiences moreso than at the community colleges where a portion of the kids are just there because they finished high school and don't know what else to do (not all of them, obviously, but a portion). Maybe if you join a club and expand your horizons you will find people you fit better with. Remember, we all can't be beauty queens and we aren't young forever, but that doesn't make us any less of people!
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