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Default Nov 01, 2007 at 09:18 AM

I am so happy that you are there for her either way! When my twins were small one of them choose to play with barbies and girl things. I was sure that he would be gay as I have family members that are and this was the way they acted as children.

First I am so angry that complete strangers felt the need to chastise him for carrying around a Bo Peep doll from Toy Story. There were a lot of screaming matches in public places let me tell you. Second co-workers and "friends" would approach me and say "you've got to stop this right now and explain to him that he is a boy and boys do not play with these things.

They are identical twins, I did not influence what toys they choose to play with. I loved them the same no matter what. His pre-school had him tested, observed what ever you choose to call it behind my back. When his teacher called me into the office I was livid. How dare they! All because he choose at play time to play with the girls and the "girl" toys!

I made it clear, in private, to my parents, and husbands parents that he was to be accepted as is period. Now he dates girls which is fine too, he's my son and whatever path in life he has to follow I will support him.

My daughter has a friend that is gay. She's one of the kindest, sweetest people you will meet in your life. But although her mother is ... okay, I wouldn't call her supportive... her adult sister will not allow this wonderful girl in her home around her children. Is this a contagious disease?

I do not understand for the life of me, how a person you have loved your whole life suddenly becomes an outcast because they are attracked to the same sex. If this was a "choice" would anyone choose to be harrassed, discriminated against, or ostrastrisized? Why is this an issue? Is this girl any different because of who she is attracted to? Did she suddenly change from sweet, kind, shy, smart, wonderful?

I'm sorry, I'll get off my now. It's just hit a nerve. We just found out about daughter's friend. She was afraid to tell us (and did not, found out through the grapevine) because she was worried we'd look at her differently and she would embarrass her family!

I've been married for 24 years and have four wonderful children.
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