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Default Nov 11, 2016 at 05:53 AM
ElsaMars, thanks for asking. I feel very stable except that I do not sleep much (sometimes only 2 or 3 hours then I won't even be tired much). My H said, don't worry if you don't sleep; you are not working right now and you can lie down anytime you want. I feel that way too.
We are both currently unemployed and without insurance. It is OK, we do have savings and I will have more work between March 1 and July 1. I figure I will go back to docs before I start work because I do need to sleep better in order to do that job well. We can last until March if I am careful with $ and H may find a job before then. This will not be the first time that I've cut corners concerning health matters in favor of nutritious food, electric bill, etc. I am just concentrating on the present moment rather than worrying about the future. Worrying about the future was a huge factor when I attempted in April 2015. But really, don't worry. I feel like I am managing my mental issues OK. When I made my attempt I was extremely clueless. Totally uneducated about my mental illness. Now I am very mindful of my mental state and scared of attempting so I don't think I'll get that bad again. Thanks for caring.
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Hugs from:
Anonymous59125, bizi, Coffeee
Thanks for this!
bizi, LucyG