Originally Posted by slbest
I feel so tired and alone! My BPD is kicking my butt! I was diagnosed about 4 years ago and feel like my symptoms are going out of control! I've been in therapy for about 9 years and it's helped somewhat. At this point its getting so hard to keep my head above water. I'm still in therapy but I feel like it's becoming less effective and that's scaring me. Can you relate? Feedback much appreciated!...
Hey, how are you doing? It is scary when we try so many things for so many years and just don't get "better". When I feel really bad I keep telling myself that it will pass, it always does. Just do whatever you need to do to comfort yourself. That seems to help me. Of course, I'm not suggesting or condoning the use/misuse of (illicit) drugs or alcohol. That just makes things worse. Simple things like staying home in your pj's reading all day. Drinking cocoa. A gentle walk in a field, along a country road, at the beach, in a park. You take care.