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Default Nov 08, 2007 at 01:20 PM


“I don't expect to get any real help here...ultimately you have to help yourself.”

I agree, This site is primarily for females, run by mostly female Mods and an All Female Admin Team, with a spattering of male Mods to show “equality“ when clearly there is non.

When I got this forum started I asked for a forum for Men Only, Moderated by Men Only, That was what was asked for, well obviously we got the site, but the plain truth is it is moderated also by the ALL FEMALE Admin team also when neither yourself or Doc John is around, yet they are not listed on the moderators list for this forum, why is that?

I know you are going to say Clyde, well they are the admin they can edit, remove, delete any post in any forum, that’s there job, and I get that. What I want to know is why be so sneaky “in my opinion” and not have their names next to yours and the docs has admin on this Male Only forum, do you get my point yet?

This is not a Men’s forum moderated by Men has implied, or inferred, this is a forum under the control of the ALL female admin team also, so I don’t think of this has a safe haven to talk openly about our “issues” openly.

Your right, you do have to help yourself on this site, your also right about this not being a male friendly site in general as well, yet the Neanderthal in us compels us to come back daily to see if anything has changed, after 33 months of being a member here, trust me when I say nothing has changed, its still the same old excrement every day, bias in favour of the woman’s feelings and hurts and totally dismissive of the mans perspective.

You either have to accept it or move on to another site, right now I am thinking of moving, I have not progressed in anyway other than finding new ways to utilise the “Denial” feature of my psyche for a long time now, and that’s not helping me in anyway, shape or form.
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