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Default Dec 21, 2016 at 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by UglyDucky View Post
I've been dx'd w/personality disorder NOS w/avoidant features - not exactly APD, but close. Last year, I told my T that over the years, I've gradually stopped telling others about myself because I have never had the feeling anyone cares what I do or what I feel about things. Consequently, my sentences w/family members or the occasional friend get shorter and shorter. My T says I give people the impression I don't want to be approached. (I was complaining that there are times I try to get involved in activities w/others, but no one seems anxious to let me in.)

Is this an avoidant issue or something else? When I try to get involved and no one lets me in, that reinforces my hesitancy to approach others to avoid being rejected. I feel a little beat up by my T re: this issue.

What do others do? Is this something you experience as your avoidance?
I know what you mean. Couldn't it be that you are unconsciously giving the message that you are afraid of being involved in?
Our body language talks a lot about ourselves. And people can catch it even when it could be only in an uncobsciously lebel.
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Thanks for this!