WOW, kenny. i think you're going thru lots. i would be seeking alot of support right now as well!
kenny, i honestly think you reacted appropriately about the $180 deduction. did they legally have the right to fire you is my question? i would see an atty about that maybe, unless you're just ready to move on and let it go. can they really fire you because you sought arbitration from the labor board where the company was found to be at fault? i'm wondering about that one right now, and thinking that might not be legal at all. i would at least consult with an atty. you could get some good severance or something.
you have every reason to be upset. your entire world has changed in a few weeks regarding massive issues...income, lodging, etc. i think you're very strong to handle this as well as you have.
consider the attorney at let me know? keep us posted.
be safe,