I have anxiety about my teeth. I am very ocd about them. It's been 5 yrs since i have had issues and I have not been focusing on my teeth. Well it's back now and worse then it's ever been. It all started at the end of Dec., I found a bump on my gum...I went to a dark place I knew that ment I was going to loose that tooth. I refused to look in my mouth. I finally looked and yep, it was there. I made an appointment asap and then made another one for a specialist to see if it could be saved. Nope, I was right the whole time. I have cried every day since Dec. I set up for the extraction but I am beyond scared, I am terrified. I shake and cry that's my life. I have xanax .5 and plan on taking 2 (dr. Ok'd it). I am trying my hardest not to take it on a daily bases and am going to my dr. to get a everyday pill. It makes me feel weak and useless. I am back to just waiting on my teeth to hurt, that sounds so crazy to me but it's me. I wanted to go on a cruise this summer but now I cant, all the what if's as far as My teeth goes. Its just not logical. I do go to the dentist 2 times a year and always get whatever work needs to get done(I've have crowns, filling, rootcanals) so I take really good care of my teeth but extractions are just terrifying. I'm not sure if this is even the right place for me. I am scared my xanax woke work. I don't feel like people understand me, but the fear is debilitating. I have other anxieties, but this one i can't make since of it and asking the dr. to put me back on medication full time makes me feel bad, like I'm not strong enough to deal with things on my own (other than a xanax every now and then). There are so many people that have real problems and her I am crying b over my teeth. Thanks for listening.