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Default Feb 05, 2017 at 12:59 PM
Super soft mattress pad (the ones that are a few inches thick)

Super light down blankets. (I have some down blankets that are too really is a fine line between too heavy and too light.)

My stuffies LOL

My white noise machine

Locking the door (although my current lock is broken, it hasn't bothered me. I just prefer it to be locked.)

Comforting smells. (One of my stuffies is covered in my favorite perfume. It relaxes me.)

oh and i must ALWAYS be wearing a sleep mask on my head. It doesn't have to be on my eyes though. I am used to the calming pressure by now I suppose.

The right clothes are a must! Nothing on my legs, no pants, no socks. Super short shorts are ok to wear as they don't restrict leg movement. I prefer somewhat fitted tops but if they are too tight they just make me more anxious. Again a very fine line between just right and too much.

LOL I must sound like a nut case with all of my requirements for a good night's sleep. This is why I prefer to not travel.

And nobody understands my extreme level of insomnia. Once I went a whole month with some nights of no sleep, other nights of just an hour of twilight sleep (which is pretty much worthless as you don't get into REM and are still aware of everything in the room.)
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