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Default Feb 11, 2017 at 06:49 PM
I am so sorry to hear this has happened to you and others. It's happened to me too over the years and is disgusting! I'm glad to hear it's not a total epidemic and that some people here have not experienced it but I have and it's done me a great deal of harm. I have physical issues and it was assumed by a few doctors that it was all psychosomatic which I went along with and conceded they were right when they weren't. It's caused me a lot of mental anguish, confusion, self hatred and doubt and it's not fair. My heart goes out to you, me and all the others who have suffered unfairly at the hands of those who assume and make unwarranted, erroneous, unfounded diagnosis. Doctors go to school so they can make educated guesses in a lot of cases and it's clear to me they don't leave their bias up their azz where it belongs sometimes. (((Hugs)))

I've had potentially and nearly DEADLY side effects and they don't care at all. This is serious and unacceptable for you, for me....for anyone experiencing it.
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Hugs from:
Anonymous45023, bizi, Fuzzybear, Gabyunbound, MtnTime2896, Ripose
Thanks for this!
bizi, Fuzzybear, Gabyunbound, Ripose