I check out who is responsible for the site. Is it a site affiliated with a reputable clinic (e.g., menninger, mayo) or is it some random person calling himself 'Dr'?
I check for converging evidence from different sources, too. If I find something mentioned only once then I am dubious. If I find lots of reputable sites saying it then I figure it is likely to be professional consensus (or close to).
I also check for spelling mistakes, typos, or other things that I know to be false. If a site isn't professionally presented then it is likely that it isn't put out there by professionals!
If a person offers their credentials then you can be sure they are staking some of their reputation on what they are saying.
If a person offers references then you know they aren't just giving you their own idiosyncratic opinion.
Take what consumers have to say with a grain of salt (lots of old wives tales mixed up in there)!
Take care...