Originally Posted by hannahardy
I am having a real hard time with my husband. He sneaks and does cocaine or something thinking I don't know. It is white powderery looking stuff in a little tie twisted bag. He does not snort it but takes it through his mouth. He has been doing this for years. At least one day a week, he is sick, talks out of his head, has even had a fever at times, and screams like he is in pain. Then, it will go away for a few days. He acts senile a lot. He can't stand without rocking back and forth. He drools sometimes and does not even know it. Does anyone know what this is? Is it drugs or mental?
Have you tried to mention it to him? Or explain your concern for the things he has been doing and the problems you have seen? It is possible that he knows you you but does not want to be the one to bring up the conversation because he is worried about what you will think.