Thread: Penis too big?
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Grand Magnate
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Default Mar 25, 2017 at 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by amandalouise View Post
a womans vagina does expand (wider) and stretches (length) during the birthing process. it actually takes 6 weeks in general for a womans vagina to go back to its normal width and length after giving birth. some women's vagina's remain thicker, wider and longer then before they gave birth.

what determines things like this is genetics, the size of the baby, types of exercises done while pregnant, mode of delivery and how many children you have had in the past.

I have had three children and with each my insides accommodated in both width and length and never filly returned to the identical length and width as before pregnancy.

anyone can find out their measurements by contacting their OB/GYN who can tell you things like how long and wide you are and what to expect during and after your child birth process.

Thank you for the information & I do understand this better. Still not sure what it has to do with the original question.
What does the OP see as a solution?

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Thanks for this!