Sorry to hear that you're struggling. Sounds like I'm going through the same thing as you. I'm married with a loving husband & two boys (6 & 8 years old). I've been struggling with depression for several years now & been going through emotional cycles.
Like you, I sometimes feel I'm a bad mother. Haven't really enjoyed my kids because of my depression. I wonder where the years went, they grow so fast yeah?! I feel guilty too. But you know what, THAT'S JUST OUR DEPRESSION TELLING US THAT WE'RE BAD MOTHERS. We're not bad mothers . . in fact, I think WE'RE THE STRONGEST MOTHERS because we have to try harder than others to make it through life because of our mental health problems. . ., we want to get better & we're trying our best. . . look at our kids, they still adore us because we're they're mommy. . . .look at our husbands, they're still here to support us & help us beat this terrible disease!
From one mother to another. . . let's get through this together okay?! Our family needs us.
Feels good to connect with someone going through the same thing as me. I'm glad I met you. Can we be friends?