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Default May 05, 2017 at 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by Kiya View Post
((((((( lots of hugs, and I know I won't catch everyone, but know you're included; cake, Liz, Jan, Gus, Christina, Sanity....)))))

Had my 3rd therapy session this week (plus 30 min extra check in and a later phone call) and another short one tomorrow.
Pain in surgery are has been high, like around a 7, and it's bloody hot! We're not allowed window a/c units anymore (tho one guy still has his) and those of us upstairs are roasting. I'm sitting in front of my ice-filled fan, on the floor. This torpid heat might help me at least not injure. Tonight will plummet 30 degrees and stay that temp for tomorrow's high, then plummet another 20 tomorrow night. Like Cake, this is trying.

Positives.... I appreciate you all, at least I have 2 fans, I got a walk in today and missed the super-pounding rain storm, and I have a really incredible trauma therapy a who got me through today with flying colors.

you can call me emily.

and.. that's not me being blunt or anything.

i'm just giving you my name for future reffrence, as I noticed you used everyone else's real name

think of it as a service provided by me to you,

or something
Thanks for this!