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Default May 06, 2017 at 06:39 PM
Thank you for welcoming me back January! That was very kind of you and it made me feel nice.

I hope you find an air conditioner as that makes such a difference in the hot months. I need to get one for my son's room as the Genius who put in the air conditioners in our house didn't do the bedrooms except for the master and my poor son's room gets so hot. If you're in the US, QVC has them on payment plans to help the budget.

I've been waking up in horrible pain that causes me to shake for an hour recently....the bad dreams don't help the situation but the pain lingers longer and really sucks. I'm hoping you are all feeling as well as can be today. (((Gentle hugs)))
Hugs from:
January, Kiya, lizardlady
Thanks for this!
Gus1234U, January, Kiya