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Thumbs down Jun 18, 2017 at 11:10 PM
Hi everyone, I am presently shaking all over. For the fourth time I am having trouble accessing my credit card information -- not online, not by phone. Then I started screaming again. This time, I didn't break anything. That's an improvement. I left a message for the personal banker and was curt, not rude, I hope. I told his voice mail that I did not want to make him mad at me, and did not want to get upset with the bank. I told him this is the fourth try.

I called a local woman friend, who also uses this same bank. She said I could get my balance by calling the 24 hour number. She was, unfortunately, mistaken. Not only is there no such number for this bank, or the Master Card people either, there is no way I can get my balance in order to pay the balance on the card. That time, I left a message, too, and told them if the bank did not straighten this out, I would consider changing banks. But that if there's no bank that's better, I would stay at their bank, but hope they will do a better job from now on.

Everyone in the entire United States is fed up with this sort of abuse. Companies, government agencies of various sorts -- they all mistreat us with their convoluted, impossible telephone systems. The people in charge of these things are abusers. Many sources claim that many extremely high government and corporate leaders are sociopaths. Somehow we need a way to get these people to act more responsibly.

In my state over 25 years ago, I wrote and got passed, two bills for our state government, which are now law and have been ever since. The phone company fought us tooth and nail, but we won.

I have a solution to these telephone system problems, and have presented it to the strongest, most senior elected official in our state.

This is my solution (I'll work with the court attorney/s for the legal language to use) : All entities doing business in my state, in any electronic capacity including but not limited to telephones, computer/online/ text, chat will have the following restrictions. This is including but not limited to companies, corporations, every business (large or small), every government office or agency, (large or small) must have ONLY ONE BUTTON TO PUSH and then get a live person on the line. There would somehow need to also limit how many phone connection transfers could be made, and the option of leaving a message in the appropriate department, which must be returned within 48 business day hours. In addition, the wait time must not be over a certain number of minutes -- maybe 5 minutes at most.

This weekend, I emailed this the elected official I believe is most likely to take this on. I await his response. If he won't do it, maybe he'll recommend another elected official who will. If nobody there will, I will t ry again after the next election, and the next, and the next.

If you are as upset by the treatment we all get from maybe 90% of all businesses and government agencies, you may wish to get this process started in your state, too. I suggest you not try the federal government elected officials. This type of thing is much easier to pass for your own state.

Last edited by Anonymous41593; Jun 18, 2017 at 11:27 PM..
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Hugs from:
*Laurie*, Icare dixit, Innerzone, Sunflower123, Unrigged64072835, Wild Coyote, x_blessed, ~Christina
Thanks for this!
Icare dixit