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Default Jun 24, 2017 at 06:43 AM
I have a work friend who is being abused at work. Her boss dislikes her and wants her gone. When she first got this boss I told her to leave. They had worked together for years but he, in a way, under her. So he knew of all her mistakes and he had to deal with them and couldn't say a thing.

Last year she went on vacation and somewhat passive aggressively.. didn't do her work. She just left. He flipped and she got disciplined somewhat severely. Including forced leave without pay as a sanction.

My friend is a little spoiled. She works at a location about 4 minutes from her house and refuses to do any other job. At their wits end.. management offered her to do a job that would allow her to stay were she was... but check on work all over the state from that location. The issue... she would need to take a pay cut. Not a ton, just about 10 K gross. She refused.

Because of her inability to do the job right, her boss objected to his work and asked to have some of it taken away. He was granted it and some of his work was pawned off on me.

This week someone quit in a job that could allow her to get away from this boss and work remotely. It would again involve a pay cut. But I did the math and a 10K gross cut would really be about a 5 K after taxes. With adjustments to tax deductions... she could come out just about the same.

She refuses. She claims she can't afford it. I don't see how that is possible. I made her agree with me that she can't do a perfect job forever and as soon as she messes up... he will insist she be fired. She agrees.

I have been so supportive because I used to have a boss like this. The difference I did all my work. And no one would offer me another job. So am I am done with her. I don't want to be unsupportive but she really made her bed and refuses to leave it.
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