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Child of a lesser god
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Default Jun 29, 2017 at 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by awkwardlyyours View Post
Greatest hits from my session last night, courtesy current T:

"No client has ever asked me to examine my unconscious"

"I have insight into what is going on with you but I'm not going to tell you what I think because you'll just dismiss it and call me defensive. So, I'm not going to open my mouth again. YOU tell me what I'm thinking"

"You're reaming me again"

"You're making me walk on eggshells around you"

Fun. Not.
My responses:

"Maybe because you obviously don't examine your own unconscious."

"I think you're thinking 'how can I best cover up the fact I'm out of my depth here? Ah, I know, I will blame the client.'"

"At least it's not physical."

"There are only eggshells on the ground because you dropped the carton of eggs that symbolizes our therapeutic relationship."

Seriously, is whatever connection you have worth this?
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Thanks for this!
Elio, Ellahmae, LonesomeTonight