Originally Posted by atisketatasket
At all costs we must protect therapists from the terrible experience of crying, or being criticized by a patient. They are delicate flowers.
I would've even been okay with the crying had she not added insult to injury by telling me that she was crying because of her extreme empathy for my pain
Never mind that there's absolutely no contradiction between her so-called extreme empathy and telling me that my anger is aggressive and I'm reaming her out and making her walk on eggshells (which also appears to conveniently be a memory lapse).
At this point I'm beginning to think that the only expressions of emotion that most therapists can tolerate are undying expressions of true lurrrrrrve -- and, my guess is that the only reason they're able to get away with such mediocrity and thin-skinned-ness is because they're well-aware that such behavior is far more common among clients in the market than anything else. Else, sheer economics would've made most of them either get the heck out of the profession or seriously change how they operate.