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Default Jul 06, 2017 at 05:59 PM
Oh! And in other more exciting news! I got a phone call today from the recruiter about the Research and Resolution position I applied for at work, to schedule a phone interview which will be on Monday morning. Yay! After that, I interview in person with the supervisor and manager of the group. The supervisor has already told me to expect an interview, I think she wants me on her team, that feels good.

And, I got off work early today to go over to the college and show them my transcript so I could get out of the prerequisite Reading class. And now I am registered for a fall class, I decided to retake Psych 101 since it's been 34 years since I took it last and I may have forgot a few things lol. Just ordered my textbook too. I don't feel so bad about paying $94 for it either, since I got a 50% discount on my tuition due to turning 55 the other day!

I am feeling so much more settled this afternoon than I was 24 hours ago.
Thanks for this!
88Butterfly88, anais_anais, BonnieJean, CantExplain, junkDNA, LonesomeTonight, lucozader, ruh roh, SoConfused623, unaluna