Thread: I Hate Ghosting
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Default Jul 18, 2017 at 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by BlueCrustacean View Post
I've always been ghosted. Well, not always, but very often. All my life I've been told by family members, distant relatives and even complete strangers that I'm a very attractive girl, and yet at 27 years old I've never had a relationship. No man has ever wanted me past a few awkward first dates, then sayonara. Am I not attractive enough to deserve a boyfriend? I don't understand what gives. And ghosting IS incredibly disrespectful, so I would say my emotional reaction is appropriate. I deserve attention, validation and love. I am worth a response.
Thank you for the response...

If it's any consolation - I did most of my dating in this lifetime in middle school! I've lived a rather solitary life since that time (with regards to relationships)... Earlier this year I relocated across the country. I unexpectedly ended up crossing paths with a certain individual whereby a mutual feeling of chemistry, compatibility, and comfort was shared... It was really nice, and unlike anything I had ever experienced before in this lifetime. However, this would end up being relatively short-lived due to challenges/difficulties surrounding our life circumstances and directions (i.e. living 90 miles apart, children involved from a previous marriage, and differing outlooks on having children later down the road). This just happened recently. I was left feeling a sense of loss and also confused because I can't quite understand the reason or (higher) purpose behind why this happened in our respective lives and played out the way it has... Doesn't make sense to me (yet). It's like the Universe says here, have a taste of something really nice/pleasant - then proceeds to take it away. Still trying to wrap my mind around this one...

"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it"
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