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Default Aug 12, 2017 at 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Trace14 View Post
Hoping nothing comes from this but you never know. I've been stoking up on canned goods and water, have some cash on hand in case a EMP strike which would knock electronics that run the USA, all computers, in cars, banks, gas stations, anything that runs on electronics.
Have some extra gasoline on hand, ammo, and be prepared to see the panic and worst in people come out. Will knock 911 systems, police systems, fire systems, hospitals paralyzed etc. It could be very serious. Preparing is just a safety feature and you can always use up what you have stored if not needed. Would rather be ready and not need it , than need it and not have it. Ya know?
We will just have to pay attention to what's going on and be ready to act. All communications will be knocked out and a plan needs to be made about a meeting spot if that should happen.
North Korea could be preparing an electromagnetic pulse strike on the US from space, expert claims | The Independent
This situationshouldn't be ignored, but we shouldn't panic and keep a clear head for planning.
OMG the sky is falling LOLOL

Seriously though, I might hit up the shooting range soon and get into some martial arts classes. In the unlikely event that things go down, at least I will have the chance to exact my vengeance on everybody who has ever wronged me.

Fun times!
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