Thread: People suck
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Default Sep 09, 2017 at 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by ExplodingSun56 View Post
Friends and family think they know me when they really don't and it's frustrating when you have a hard time expressing yourself and even if I did say something they wouldn't believe me. I can't talk to anyone because of this. I just don't understand how people can just jump to conclusions so easily without thinking first. I think first before saying something. I try to look at every possible side I can think of before I make a decision. But obviously some people don't even try. They just say the first thing that pops into thier head and believes it without questioning it. No one will ever understand me or know who I am cause of this. There's just a bunch of stuff that would take a lot of explaining to do so they could see who I really am. I've always wanted people to understand me but that will never happen cause people suck. My dreams of people knowing who I am and understanding me have been crushed and now I feel alone cause of it. I thought part of having relationships with people was getting to know them. But I'll never be known because I'm bad at expressing myself and so I'll always be alone.
And people say "confidence" is good
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