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Default Sep 17, 2017 at 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by WeepingWillow23 View Post
Ok, so I was wondering if I understood this right: you get the physical sensations of pleasure/arousal, but not the mental sensations?? Is that really considered anhedonia?
Anhedonia is tricky and it's different for each person just as sz is different for each person. Anhedonia means "no pleasure" but I can't even feel mental depression or loneliness either. That's why I'm pro-solitude lol. I can't say I feel pleasure in any form except when I cum and there is no lasting mental effect followed by it. It's very physical in that the sensation was felt and it ended. Next task. I tend to drink alcohol to help sedate my cycle of suffering of fear, hate, anger then a feeling of hopelessness.

I would've thought anhedonia meant neither types of sensations were experienced, but I will admit that I'm finding the meaning of words disconcerting again. What I'm wondering is, if you can still physically experience pleasure, just not cognitively, could you be overthinking it?!
Do people with schizophrenia need both hallucinations and delusions? No they just need one form of psychosis necessary.

So maybe you could just be in the moment of physical pleasure without analysing your cognitive appreciation (or not) of it?? I don't know if that resonates, or if I've completely misunderstood what you are saying??
So far I've survived by trying to find hope where I can. I don't dwell on my anhedonia except in certain circumstances where it's been a long day the frustration of know thing it could be bettered if I could feel a positive emotion once a day. My anhedonia wears me down slowly each day. I can't help but notice that I can't feel pleasure...

Also, how long ago now was it that you stopped the lamotrigine?? I don't think it's been that long really iirc? Anything less than a year or two and I still think that it could improve, if it was caused by the lamotirgine. I know that that probably feels like way too long to wait, but people unfortunately can ta\ke that long to recover from the effects of drugs; not everyone, but some people for sure
It's been over two years sense I've been off the SSRI, I felt pleasure before I was on that. It's been about since June now since I've been off Lamotrigine, my main source of faint hope. Now when going for this long term hope we're betting on repair will happen because damage has been done.
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