I've posted on here before, so I'll try to make this quick. I started having my first real manic episode in July. I went to pdoc. He told my I was "excited." I had just hired with a really good job, but I could tell this wasn't regular excitement. Besides not sleeping for days, my whole personality had flipped. In August, my T noticed I was manic, but he decided not to mention it for 3 sessions. I went to pdoc. He added depakote to a bunch of other meds I was already taking for other things that should have prevented or dulled down a manic episode in the first place. It didn't work. I was about to get fired. I went to my pdoc appointment, and the office was closed. Well, I may have happened to take one pharmacolgy class way back when and some chemistry, so I decided to look at some pharmacology journals having to do with Bipolar disorder treatment. (Yes, I have just enough knowledge to be dangerous.) I took double my usual seroquel. Today, I've had the first non-manic day in three months. Obviously, I'm not advocating messing with your own meds. I shouldn't have done it either. I'm just lucky it worked, and yes, I will be honest with my pdoc. I'm going to run out of my meds early now, unfortunately. I was getting 4 or less hours of sleep every night, and today, I slept most of the day, but at least, I feel balanced. Am I going to get fired anyways? Possibly, I've caused enough damage and annoyance in three months as it is.