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Member Since Oct 2017
Location: Dalton, Massachusetts
Posts: 1
Default Oct 26, 2017 at 07:40 AM
As a young boy, I always stood out as different. I used to go to music lessons while I was preschool aged. While I am quite an intelligent person (not bragging here, just stating the truth), I struggled with the lessons due to an inability to focus. However, even from that early age, the teacher of the music lessons found my behavior to be highly disruptive. While I was obviously very young, I have a surprisingly good memory of these events.

I remember my first day at school very clearly. As soon as I got into the classroom, I was already reading which impressed the teacher a bit. However, I was reading a flier that I picked up off the ground on the way in. I had been fidgeting with it, and it was a flier for one of my town's political candidates. I was just a kid so I wasn't familiar with it, just reading the stuff on the back and thinking about what it would be like to be an adult and be able to vote. However, the teacher told me to sit and I didn't. Instead, I didn't even hear her. I was so engrossed in the flier that I was standing there for a moment while the teacher told me to sit twice.

This perplexed the teacher right from the beginning, and as the day wore on..... I was completely unable to stay in the seat. I kept getting up even when the teacher told me not to. At the end of the day, my mother was called in. My mother told me that it was a very upsetting conversation.

During the time of my school years, I did not manage to make any friends to speak of. A few here and there I suppose in the very late days of my schooling. However, in elementary and middle school other kids simply labeled me as "weird" due to my stimming, inattention, and obsession with numbers (e.g. memorizing square roots, random sequences of addition and subtraction, etc.) I still find this stuff fascinating and I am actually quite skilled with mathematics. Although, I now realize that other people don't tend to be interested in these things as they feel it's nothing more than rote memorization. Currently, I have a very strong interest in astronomy and it has become a "special interest" of sorts. As a kid, I was made fun of a bit. However, that aspect wasn't that persistent in my life...... but for the wrong reason I suppose.

I have a history of outbursts as a result of being redirected from my special interests while in school (e.g. preferring to memorize mathematical formulas while in other classes). These outbursts resulted in me being placed in special education, and unfortunately I believe that some of my behaviors may have frightened other students when I was in school. However, this was never my intent.

As an adult, I am quite isolated. I still live at home with my mother, and I am 31 years old. I have not worked in any substantial manner, and I have been fired from every job that I have had within a matter of a few days. This is a source of great stress for me as I am not able to focus while on the job, and I also often have a way of irritating the people that I work with unfortunately. However, I would like to be able to work one day. Unfortunately, I am unsure if I ever will be able to.
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