Hey, soI posted this same post in the general mental health forum, but was suggested to post it here too. So, here goes...
I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Severe Anxiety, and PTSD 2 years ago.
I am on Prozac, and have been for a while and had no issues. It helped with my depression a lot. But recently, I noticed my depression was coming back and my Dr. upped the dosage. Now, I am manic. I have never been manic before. And It is so overwhelming I do not know how to handle it. I'm restless, and racing thoughts, and talkative, and talk loud, talk fast, never complete my thoughts before going to a new one, cannot sleep much, do not eat much, overly excited over nothing, and I've started to get aggravated super easily. I do not like this one bit. I saw my dr. again and he put me on Lamictal for the mania. I do not know why, but this frightens me that my diagnosis changed. And these racing thoughts keep getting more and more. To anyone who has had a similar experience, how did you handle your first time being manic? how long before it goes away?