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Member Since Jun 2017
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Chat Oct 27, 2017 at 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Bookworm257 View Post
Hi. So, my whole life it was very hard for me to make friends, because I was just really awkward and didn't know how to act around my peers. I also have a tendency to get overwhelmed in social situations, where my brain basically shuts down and I can't get more than a word or two out when asked something, because my brain won't let me for some reason, but the intense overwhelming feeling only started in middle school not that long ago. I only began to realize I was socially awkward about six months ago when my dad's gf pointed it out to me. I had been staying with her mother for a few days while they were away, and when she got back she was told by her mother that I had been acting very awkward to the point it was a little rude. My dad's gf also mentioned that I sometimes didn't respond when her daughter (who I don't know very well) says hello and that that was rude. The truth is, I have a hard time with being aware of how Im presenting myself socially. I don't know how to act appropriately, and cannot maintain eye contact. I have trouble expressing emotion, and often stare blankly when talking to people I don't know or know well.
As for other traits of autism, like stimming for example, I do like to rub my fingers together and flick them, and when I am completely alone, I like to clap loudly or move my arms up and down and shake my hands out violently, or spin around. I also have a sensitivity to loud sounds, and will often ask my parents to turn down the tv, even if it's fine for them.
I have taken a test online. I got a score of 38, and for a high likelihood of autism it needed to be a score of at least 34, so I think that's another indcator.

Hi. So, adding on to the original post. The more i think about it, the more I realize the autistic behaviors I have. I used to talk to myself, loudly, in front of the other kids on the playground in elementary school, up until 5th grade, but as I got into 6 grade and moved to a new school Igrew out of thst, although I still talk to myself in private, a lot. A lot of times, I can say something rude or odd in a conversation to someone else and won't realize it was rude until my parents say it was rude, even if I don't understandhow it's rude. Though I have toned down quitea bit because I've gotten shy, Iused to mindlessly do very awkward and socially unacceptable things in public, although now my parents letme know if I've done something rude. The things my parents tell me are rude are not smiling back at someone, staring, not responding (or giving very short responses), or not socializing at all when we have guests over (I'd really just prefer to keep to myself) I wasn't aware of any of these until this last year when my parents pointedit out to me.
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