Thread: Agoraphobia
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Default Nov 09, 2017 at 03:43 PM
Hi Jensitive22. You sound like a woman that most men would value very much. I'm sorry your husband still has a roving eye. I'm sorry you don't feel 100% like he's a "safe place" for you. Do you have a pet? My pet is like my unofficial emotional support pet. He gives me lots of comfort.

My husband is very faithful and committed to me, but he works late so I'm alone a lot with my pet.

I've had mild agoraphobia in the past, and even to this day I tend to stay at home in my nook. I've grown to be able to go certain places on my own, but they are very close to my home and are places I can go into and then leave within 30 mins max.
When I'm with my husband I can be out for longer periods nowadays. There was a time when even with my husband I couldn't go to places like the movies, the grocery store, or definitely not a concert.
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