Originally Posted by starrysky
I like Unaluna's perspective about "I survived, now procreate!" I also second the idea about getting a sheet or something to hang at the doorway, if you don't already.
Have you increased, decreased, or changed medication recently? That might have something to do with it if you have.
It also could be your age. Your cycle. Really, who knows? Does anything here resonate with you?
I miss having a higher sex drive. I used to masturbate everyday. Now that I'm on lexapro I'd say its gone down to about two times a week. I understand how frustrating it would be though to not have privacy like...a door, and living with parents, when it comes to that kind of thing.
I bought a four-panel privacy screen/room divider. It's intended so that people walking through the front door can't see me while I'm in bed sleeping. But dear old grandma enjoys peeking over it at me to say hello or would walk around the privacy screen and into my room...I've already had a couple close calls with her while I'm doing my business. *sigh* Talk about buzzkill.
Before the fire, I masturbated roughly twice a week give or take. Usually because I'm bored. Now I am masturbating once or twice a day and I've got the itch to do it, not just because I'm bored. I think it's stress coming out.