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Default Nov 24, 2017 at 11:42 AM
Attunement in Hakomi Therapy: Bringing 'Self' to the Surface

Just ran across this. My t does this stuff.... never called it anything, but I recognize what she does in this article. In part:

"The process of Hakomi therapy often includes internal exploration, eyes closed. For many, the therapist represents our first experience of our “witnessing self” (our nonjudgmental observer) and our attuned, compassionate parent."

This. Oh my goodnes, this!!

and "Many individuals arrive at therapy unaware of missing pieces, trying to complete a puzzle that has no form. A grounded, defined sense of Self begins to form when we see our traits, qualities, habits, and bodily movements reflected without judgment. We find missing pieces that may have remained invisible for a lifetime, until an attuned witness, with compassion, acknowledged, accepted, and echoed back to us these valuable and wanted aspects of Self."
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Thanks for this!
here today, nushi