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Default Dec 04, 2017 at 02:36 AM
Interesting to know--but if you are YAVIS (Young Attractive Verbal Intelligent Successful)--why would you need continuous therapy? (Actually, I can think of a few reasons but when you have more resources, it is easier to manage mental illnesses.)

It reminds me of when I was a teacher--teaching in areas of town where there is more poverty was always more challenging because the kids would lack so many basic things (a good breakfast; sleep routines; basic supplies at home like books, paper, pencils; some were even homeless) that help children thrive in school. I know many, many teachers that start out in schools like these but eventually transfer to the schools in their metropolitan area where the parents are more well off. When my sister and I were in a lower income schools--we spent hundreds of our own dollars on various supplies of all sorts to fill in the gaps (pencils, books, treats/arts and crafts) that we just wanted our children to have. Along these lines--one article talked about how the author did not wants to work with HOUNDS (Homely Old Unattractive Nonverbal and Dumb) anymore because (especially) they weren't always getting paid. In a capitalist society, sometimes money talks. I have noticed that when I was without insurance I had to call about a dozen psychiatrists before I found one that was willing to treat me so maybe a big factor in the USA is that many HOUNDS are without good insurance?

Last edited by Anonymous57777; Dec 04, 2017 at 03:52 AM..
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