I believe understand what you're saying Gloria. My father was an alcoholic for most of his adult life. No amounts of reasoning on my families behave, or trips to the hospital could convince him that drinking was killing him. Eventually, he had a seizure brought on by elevated blood glucose levels. After a lifetime of drinking and denial he had acquired Type 2 diabetes.
It took three months in a detox center and a suspended drivers' license before he was able to gain control of himself, and I am proud of him for that.
I think it takes a lot before people in addictive situations snap out of their cycle.
Logic would dictate that if you're in an abusive situation, get out. Happiness, without the periods of abuse, can be found elsewhere. "Chasing the dragon" is a term I've heard to describe drug users that try to relive their first high and become addicts in the process of doing so. Addictive relationships are not different, in my opinion.