What does the "love of my life" really mean to you? in time? expression, verbal and/or otherwise? Are you seeking a clone of yourself in how you love? Please know I am NOT being flippant here. Seriously ask yourself if you are able (and willing) to allow differences and if so to what degree. Heavy stuff for the young.
I say that because I have been married to a schizoid personality disorder man for 52 years. He's only been recently diagnosed as have I in various attachment related personality disorders, some of which are schizoid as well. We're had quite a wild ride including a divorce and remarriage again. Second time around work well in that we learned what we had missed all along. I needed to back off and he needed to come forward, which is a dance of balance and deeper understanding. He loves me the best he knows how, and more so than any other in my life. Same on my end. We know that now.
A long term commitment is hard because we 'get to' meet the places in ourselves that need maturing while the other watches and endures and hopefully applauds our victory. Visa versa. Ugly stuff at times. Beautiful too. Worth it? Welllll, only that particular couple can determine that. Best to you.