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Default Dec 15, 2017 at 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by sharonkitchen View Post
just read your post today, how are your neck and back? i was on methadone for how long? among alll the other pain meds i've been given. methadone worked great!! until....ekg changes, had to come off it like yesterday, or maybe the day before. i just had c6-7 fusion a few weeks ago. i've been so very happy that my pain is so much less. pain doc i guess tried to warn me "this is the honeymoon period".
ok so how is your pain now? have you had any other procedures? i so much want to come off these pain meds. side effects mostly bother me, if you take them i don't have to tell you what they are, you know.
neuro doc is talking about a spinal cord stimulator implant for my lumbar discs. says the surgery there is much more involved and recovery worse. has that been your experience? also concerned cuz of my smoking for so many years and that i still smoke a bit, and use an ecig. he wants me to use a bone growth stimulator (i think that's what it's called) for the cadaver bone to fuse. my insurance won't approve it. did you have that?
so many questions, but with chronic pain, what do we have but time?
sharonkitchen I just now found your post, sorry it's been so long. I'm interested in what you call ekg issues? What was the amount of Methadone you were taking? I have heard about heart problems after taking more than a max of 5 10mg. tablets per day. That is why I'm trying to stay at that dosage. I still have good pain relief. I have not had any more procedures yet. But the day is coming.... The side effects are another problem, the constipation I control with probiotics. That's the biggest one for me.
The lumbar fusion was like a truck wreck. I very nearly had to learn to walk again. But then I was not walking all that well before. My left leg was one large sciatic nerve pain. Nothing would relieve it, and I was basically just dragging it around with me. When I had this done they still took patient bone from your hip. I have no experience with the bone growth simulator or cadaver bone.
I can say that stopping the tobacco habit helped me so much in other health concerns. I would urge you to stop if possible.
My main problem now is spinal stenosis. The neuro describes my neck as one big bone spur. Says that in time I will loose the use of one or both arms, only then will he consider a procedure on my neck. The problem is to high up, close to the brain stem and therefore.... we will wait and see. I think that is a problem some people had after fusion with their own bone. It started growing and won't stop. Makes for a narley old neck MRI. A young neuro I went to way back when looked at my MRI and got rather beside himself trying to figure out just how I got around as well as I do. Got to find the humor where ever you can. I had fun with him.....
But back to the now. The lumbar fusion is a hard decision. The special kind of pain that the largest nerve in the body can cause is something to consider. I could not get away from it and was down to knocking my self out with alcohol or anything else I could find just to get some rest and some kind of sleep. That is a bad place to be. As hard as the surgery was to recoup from I would still do it to get away from that pain. But it depends on age also. I hit 66 this year. I don't know if I could take another procedure as hard as the lumbar now......
Some people have a great result with the spinal cord stimulator implant, it's worth a try to see. The devices they have available now are so much better than when I went through all that. They did not help me one bit. Most were electrical stimulation and that may be a factor. My electrical injury kind of made me allergic to that stuff.
I should get off my soap box now for a little while.
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