I didn't taper off the seroquel sorry I'll try to explain ***
Yeh, well I did have a detached paranoid self analysing/criticising feeling with the weed but pretty well recovered once the high wore off, well apart from feeling depressed the next day this happened after a 1 month tolerance break through a newly purchased vape that I had not used before.... I was currently taking 100mg seroquel at the time
There was a second time I tried the vape again a few days late the same thing happened only i didn't recover as good the self analysing/criticising, detached, impaired, feeling actually kept happening for about 7 days or so then I recovered or so I thought then a few weeks later I went cold turkey from the seroquel due to a sexual side effect...
So I guess it's hard to say what happened? Cause seroquel cold turkey can cause psychosis but even 100mg?
Hopefully the current impairment is depression? that sounds better then psychosis, from what I've read depression can be more then just feeling down if it's severe enough
What do you think?