Improvement, for me, has been in mourning the attachment disorders from an abusive childhood, and then accepting, through lovingkindness, the results as the trajectory of my life from this point on. Rather than fight myself, I am online relating to others through a screen. I find this highly rewarding and within my field of 'vision'; however, were we onliners to suddenly meet in a brick and mortar room, I would be the first out the door.
Success, for me, is in accepting my limits as okay (given my history as to how my brain wiring developed) and then maturing within those limits through continued self-acceptance and strength in living accordingly. In other words, I've stopped comparing myself to others, which has helped me stop trying to live out their destinies. I am no longer sad with myself as a result. That, to me, is personal success...and a strength to keep on keeping on along this path.