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Member Since Jan 2018
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Default Jan 01, 2018 at 07:51 AM
I've been with my boyfriend for three years and we have a son together, born at the beginning of 2017.
Before our son was born, our relationship was rocky and fueled with mutual bouts of mental health struggles, moreso on his end when he lost his job and went into a depression. His depression manifests very differently from mine, especially since he doesn't see the importance of mental health treatment and maintainance. In hindsight, it caused a lot of problems back then and I broke up with him on multiple occasions, bit I always came back because I do love him deeply as a person (we have a 10 year past), and I was still hopeful we could fight together, as I can empathize.
After I had my son, I had a really awful bout of post partum depression and needed his support more than ever...but he didn't really know what to do except for listen...which is a lot during some moments, but I needed him to carry some weight, even offer practical reprieves like sleep or baby sitting, but it became clear he could not do that. He works a lot, and while I am understanding of that, it's always been an excuse to leave me to my own devices, which feels very isolating because I don't have much support or help outside of him.
Fast forward 9 months, and as I've been working my way out of the hole I just see him falling deeper into, and become more apathetic about it. Whenever I try to talk to him about it, he expressed awareness of his funk, but no interest in doing anything about it, and a skepticism of any treatments.
Because of this, we are struggling financially because the job he's at is kind of a greasy wheel gets the oil type deal sometimes (meaning he has to secure his shifts sometimes), and he'll often just not do it and skip a whole days earnings, which we can't really afford because we're already on debt and I can't work because it's more affordable to stay home.
But I want better for us, and I have plans to start school in the spring. In my mind I'm partly inspired to use my education to become self sufficient enough to leave him. He doesn't know these feelings, but knows our household is affected by his health and I am concerned. I've tried an emphathetic approach, practical solutions to make life easier, pleads, etc. It's gotten to the point where he can be careless with the safety of our son, but he doesn't seem to really care.
I am tired, angry and feel trapped. I don't know how to help him, and I really need to focus on my own health so we can better our opportunities for our kids, because he has no plans of doing so. I really just don't know what to do to coexist peacefully enough to help him maintain headspace to provide for us, and not drown under his weight while working on my goals too.

Thank you if you've read this all, and any insight would be appreciated. I feel so out of control, and I don't want the life he can offer to share with me.
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