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Default Jan 12, 2018 at 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey1111 View Post
Not because anything new has happened recently, but I remain quite skeptical that things would be capable of working out with these people. The reason is simply that for one people who behave like this generally ARE narcissists, especially when you consider the fact that they not only were extremely harmful to my emotional health and seemed to not care (and my Mom even said that she didn't during one of her attacks)......... but never once did I get anything resembling an apology for any of it. I haven't brought it up, but it just seems like if things were any different there would have been some sort of processing of things which would result in an apology. But there has been no apology. No return to the behavior from before but no apology either........ just nothing said at all. And I'm likely just being "suckered back in" by not cutting them off, yet I don't know this for certain. But still, it just doesn't seem like any decent person would act like this and then not even apologize for it. Plus, to be honest, even if they did "come around" and it somehow was different now (which I suppose there's a remote chance that this is the case), I still don't think I'd ever really trust them entirely. I'd always wonder if perhaps they simply had started smearing me behind my back (which they may be doing) or had some other abusive game in mind for me that I hadn't caught on to yet.
You are onto something here and your instincts are good. Narcs never apologize or feel empathy for the pain and harm that they cause people. You're right in that if they truly have changed their ways and reflected on their behavior, an apology would be in order. Narcs are also notorious for being highly manipulative to suit their own needs. It is always about what serves them best, not you. This could be all about them and their needs, not yours. I solute you for your caution and your observations.
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Thanks for this!