They just started an internet thread in the addictions forum...below this as this is a sub forum so you may want to post there too.
When my bipolar was really off I was compulsively drinking alcohol.
I was secretive and would guzzel my beers, hid them from hubby. drink on the way home. over eat, gained 45 pounds in 2 years.
I have been out of control.
you can see in my signature line the medications I take. zyprexa is a new one for me and it has changed my life.
I feel back in control again. I am not some crazed addict. I have control over my eating for the most part.
have lost 13 pounds in 9 weeks.
Have only drank twice in 2 months.
I have said that I have an addictive personality.
alcohol, internet, food, picking.
With zyprexa I have much better control in all areas of my life.
I am still on the internet too much.
like I should be in bed now with hubby reading...but it is more rewarding being on line than in bed.
I call it mental masterbation.
welcome to the forums. ask me anything.
55 year old female married, no kids, 2 cats.
lamictal 2x a day
haldol 2x a day
cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night,
fish oil coq10
multi vit,, vit c, at noon, tumeric, caffeine
Remeron at night,