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Default Feb 12, 2018 at 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by granite1 View Post
i was asked to create something to be displayed in a place visited by at least thousands of people a year .i was telling my therapist about it and she was completely impressed . then she asked me if i had always been so creative ? i thought about it and said i have no idea .it wasnt like i had a childhood that i would draw a pic and the mother would tell me how wonderful it was and hang it on the refrigerator. she asked,how about school? again i thought and said nope i never did much in school either .i was mostly to stressed to concentrate on anything .that made me so sad. i never did anything creative as a child ,it was all just so bleak, drawing or expressing any creativity never entered my mind . in fact i never expressed any creativity other then writing until after i was married to my husband. even now i dont see myself as all that creative . i wonder how creative i would have been if i had a mother who encouraged my creativity and allowed me the confidence needed to explore my creativity . anyway just a sad thought i keep having pop in my head . stupid isnt it ?
Not at all stupid. I think it is thoughts of the life we could have had. Who could we have been if our parents had been ... the type of parents we needed them to be. So not stupid.

I have very similar thoughts around my interests in math and science. My dad is/was very traditional in terms of his beliefs about women's place in the world and my mother has learning disabilities, so while my mom was proud of my academic achievements, neither of them showed interests in or provided opportunities so that I could grow beyond what the classes offered and neither of them advocated for me when I was frustrated by the limitations offered. I'm not even sure they knew how much Math I had to repeat because of the way the school system taught Math.
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