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mrsmoggles's Avatar
Member Since Nov 2007
Location: california
Posts: 256
Default Jan 28, 2008 at 04:30 AM
</font><blockquote><div id="quote"><font class="small">Quote:</font>
misty324 said:I really, really hate this. Why are we cursed with this disease? I mean, all of us here are good people. Why do we have to suffer so much?

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I have asked that so many times...what comes back to me are two may think I am crazy or what not, but this is just a thought or two...forgive me if it doesn't make since, it is late and i took my meds wayyyyyyyyyyyy early yet still can't sleep...

one answer is: this is a test, this too shall pass and i will have lived and learned through another crisis. God never gives you more than you can may stumble n fall or crawl and seem to claw at the edges and never make it up it seems, but there is a rainbow behind the dark cloud holding you down....deep breath and focus on myself...something nice...

answer two: why me? what did i do that was sooooo wrong?? that thinking is flawed and I know it is but i still think it and i hate being like this,,,not much I can do besides remember to breathe and wait for the sun to come out again and be able to move...

I hope you are ok melanie

"The night racks my bones, and the pain that gnaws me knows no rest," laments Job (The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, Job 30:17).
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