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Default Mar 02, 2018 at 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by TheSadGirl View Post
If you can get to activities that helps. I pole dance and have made a bunch of awesome friends through it. I also join local face book groups and have made friends there. Volunteering is another great way to meet people. I think the key is finding people who share a passion for the things you do.
Thank you SG! I think you're right. Joining a group of something I'm interested in (or / and passionate about) and volunteering ARE great ways. And sticking with it! You just reminded me I have to get back to a person who emailed me back about a volunteer opportunity I was interested in. She wants to get coffee and tell me about the org!

I think sometimes, I really feel rejected and lonely, and then other times, I realize, I am not focusing on the people and social opportunities that are in my life. I am focusing on the negative aspects! Also I think I am just as guilty of flaking out as other people sometimes. Mainly with group activities. Maybe there are some people I need to give a little leeway to? At the same time, I could keep these people as distant friends and just create the boundary of....not reaching out to them anymore until they reach out and want to do something. I feel I have a lot more friends on the acquaintance side, than close friends, which I don't feel like I have any! I will keep at it though and keep learning as I go. Sometimes I wonder if I could brush up on my own interpersonal skills too! Something to look into.
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