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Default Mar 30, 2018 at 09:18 AM
I don't need to debate (then), and it's not because I don't share some of your beliefs, Oblivion. I'm agnostic and also spiritual (mainly in that I meditate and read buddhist writings). I'm very open to the idea of spirituality, others perceptions, new information, etc etc etc. I respect it. I also love science. I think the two can go together. We have no idea about a lot of things. I'm not the kind of person who's like "No, there is no god, no supernatural, no anything." I have experienced and witnessed things that say otherwise. I have heard other people's stories, too. For instance, clairvoyance and telepathy, I believe, are actual things. But science rocks. I am not open to anyone who is dogmatic about anything though (not open themselves), even in their scientific beliefs when it comes to spirituality. This is, also, a Spiritual forum. I think it's important to be mindful of that. I'm not saying I know how it all works in spirituality though (I actually have no clue). For instance, there's a discussion on the Law of Attraction here. I think the LOA, in some sense, is crap. But psychology has dome some studies on positive thinking, at the same time. Any who, I believe that science may learn about these things more and be able to explain them: supernatural / spiritual / god / clairvoyance / etc. Perhaps people will not like the answers, perhaps they will. Perhaps it will be a hodge podge of what they already know and believe, and they will be surprised too.

Edit: I think I should also say I was being pretty rhetorical and silly when I said "but how do you really know?" I suppose it was a little sarcastic and snarky too, for which I apologize. I don't think you realized that and just went ahead, assuming I was genuinely curious. Which makes sense. I used no smileys / emojis and you don't know me and didn't know where I was coming from. Apologies if that creates or created any stress for you.

Last edited by Anonymous50909; Mar 30, 2018 at 10:03 AM..
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